
Kitne Ajeeb....

Sometimes you wonder how weird it is being gay in a straight world...

Walking into the bus stand on friday afternoon, I was quiet uncertain about my decision to take the bus. The weekend before the New Year will definitely attract many to the bus stand. I tried to convince myself that I had no other options. I cannot fool myself. The monster in me needed just an excuse. The fact that there were more buses at this time was a perfect excuse.

Once inside the bus-stand, I realized that there was no reason to worry. At least 4 of the buses standing there were my route buses. I found a seat in the least crowded one. On one hand, I'm happy that I don't have to travel in a crowded bus. And, avoid those chance encounters... but on the other hand, I was disappointed for the same reason.

Recently, I had started disliking the idea of getting physically closer to a stranger. Even unintentionally.... in the crowd...

The reason in simple words: I don't have to try too hard to hide my erection if I happened to get one and then worry about someone spotting / feeling (unintentionally or otherwise) the bulge.

While I was busy weighing the situation, people started getting into the bus. A few minutes later, only a few seats were remaining. A young boy, girl and a woman who looked like their mother got into the bus. The woman and the girl sat in the seat before me and the guy sat behind me. While I was sure the boy and the girl were siblings by the way they called each other, I did not know how the woman was related to them. Obviously, I did not pay too much attention to their conversation. I assumed her to be their their mother. As the seat next to me was unoccupied, the girl asked her brother to come and sit next to me. I had no issues. The guy did look good!

It was all too normal until after 10 minutes when the bus was caught in traffic and a young man got into the bus. He was not very handsome and was just okay. As he walked towards the conductor I saw him looking at the people around me. He got the ticket and stood near the seat before me. There was plenty of space in the bus. He chose to stand right there... next to that woman.

I was lost in my world of thoughts when I suddenly noticed something fishy happening right before my eyes. The guy was standing too close to the woman. I started paying more attention. I can easily say that the woman pretended to sleep and allowed the guy to rub his thighs on her body. There were very few people standing in the bus. That did not stop the guy (in his early 20's) from trying to feel the body of the 35+ woman... Although I cannot say with certainty whether she really liked it or not, I can say for sure that she did nothing to stop the guy from feeling her... even something as simple as shifting her position in the seat to avoid the guy's thighs or crotch...

Well, I don't care what she had in mind... What concerns me was what was going on in my head. I had always thought of myself as a non-conservative. How can I be a conservative when I strongly support gay issues...?
But, sitting there watching this happen, I cannot help but feel uncomfortable... awkward... feel angry at what these people were doing.

When I see two hot guys standing next to each other, I let myself imagine them feeling each other... When I see two guys doing it, I feel happy for the guys... But, watching a man and a woman do the same makes me feel.... uncomfortable.

Now, thats weird...

For a gay living in a straight world, its discomforting to witness a heterosexual act....

How Strange!!!


The Revealing Grip

Handshake is perhaps the most universal form of greeting that every man is accustomed to. What exactly do you do when you shake hands? Hmmm..... letting the other person know that you are pleased to meet him??

But, if a group of evolutionary psychologist headed by Gordon Gallup of the University at Albany are to be believed, you are revealing a bit too much about yourself. Their findings link hand grip strength to aggressive behavior and sexual history. This works only for men. A firm handshake indicates more aggressive nature and more sexual partners. It may serve as a form of asserting one's dominance over others (which reflects health and fitness).

This idea of hand grip strength as an indicator of health and fitness is not something everybody in the scientific community agrees to. The skeptics think that ethnicity may have a more significant role here.

What I find interesting is that, I had always associated a loose hand grip to disinterest and aloofness. I was quite sure about that. I must admit, I was surprised to read this... especially the sexual history part of it!

hmmm.... Although I find it difficult to believe this, I might as well be one of those who validate this hypothesis. Analyzing the way I shake hands, I confess that it does reveal my 'soft' nature and, my rather passive sexual history.

Let me know what you think about this?



I saw those eyes again. This time, we were under a tree. I was too eager to meet him. It was him who wanted to meet me. I tried my best to suppress my imagination. I guess I was quite successful with that... (atleast until we started talking). Sitting there with him was quite a relief. I don’t know from what! Its probably because like his presence.

Talking to him for about half an hour was not what I enjoyed. It was the chance to look at his face that I relished. The same eyes... It was piercing me. He had his eyes bore deep into me as if it was trying to rip my mask off and explore my true Self!

Discussing some uninteresting things, we started walking to the canteen. I liked walking with him by my side. There we discussed some hardcore science. His eyes had changed rapidly. It was more of curiosity and attentiveness that I could see now.

Standing under a tree now, the topic drifted away from science to our relationship. It was not exactly what we were talking about. He did make a passing remark that brought me back to earth. "I don’t love you", or was it... "We are not lovers...", I do not remember the exact words. But, I did understand what those words meant. I tried to pretend as if that remark did not affect me. It hardly took me a second to recover.... That second was perhaps the longest second. My mind was riddled with thoughts, filled with questions, doubts... and disappointment!

It was not exactly shocking as I know quite well that he considered me as his friend and nothing more than that. It was shocking the way he said it. It was as if he had been wanting to tell me this someway or the other and that he had been waiting for the right time. My suspicion was probably a product of my imagination… But, I was ready to discard that thought very easily.

A few minutes later, we were walking back when he told me what he thinks of a best friend. His confession that he had no best friends was disheartening. What followed was more disturbing. His definition of a best friend was 'one with whom you can share everything... except sex of course!' Now This statement would have meant absolutely nothing to me. Given the state of my mind... I could not help but read between the lines.

Confusions apart, one thing is crystal clear. He is my friend. I want him to be my friend. His sexual orientation and his interests make no difference…


"Why don't you say, you love me?"

I was in the bus. This time not alone. Next to me was the guy of my dreams....

When I first saw him from the balcony of an unknown building, I was stunned by his beauty. After about 2 hours, I found myself chatting with him. When it was time to leave, we shook hands. I could feel very well, that it was more firm and affectionate than the more formal one at the beginning of our conversation that day.

This day was different. It was almost a year since our first meeting. He is no longer a good-looking stranger. He is a friend. I know more about him now. I know that he likes carnatic music, he likes pastries.... Perhaps, thats all I know about him. I have so many questions to ask him.... but don't have the courage to ask. Thats because it is our friendship that is at stake.

Friendship...... Thats how we call it. If what he said is to be believed, he finds some sort of intimacy with me that he doesn't feel with any boy in his class. Of course that was flattering, but did those words come from his heart? was he honest? While one part of my brain was busy condemning myself for suspecting him, the other part was trying to understand what goes on behind those unfathomable eyes...

There were many others in the bus. But, I could see just him.
The bus was not crowded enough. There was some distance between our bodies. That didn't bother me. It was the fact that I was spending time with him that mattered. I just wanted to talk. Just talk.... so that I can take all of his attention probably because I thought couldn't bear to see him getting distracted by any female passenger.

He got a seat. He offered me to share the little space with him. Accepting the offer would have meant feeling him completely. I denied. I didn't feel like it. Now, when I try to identify the reason for that denial, I realize that it was my fear. I was afraid that I will get to know his disinterest in me. I was not ready to face the heterosexual in him face to face.
A few minutes later, I decided to move away from him and sit at the back. There was space for just one. I couldn't bear to see him from a distance. Suddenly, those few feet seemed like a few miles. I asked him to come and sit with me. He didn't say no. Did he hesitate? If he did, it was only for a second or even less... When I tried to give him enough space, someone got up and we were able to sit more comfortably next to each other. It was the first time that I'm so close to him. Except for a few inches of air, nothing was there between us, our bodies. He had his left hand towards my back with his fingers touching my left shoulder, as if to indicate that I needed to get myself closer to him. Such thoughts continued to flow with full vigor in my mind while I heard myself speak some nonsense. hmmm..... It was not all nonsense. though that 'nonsense talk', I tried to make him feel special, not explicitly though. If he had tried to read between the lines, it would have been evident. I doubt he did that.

I saw him smile. I saw him smile more. and more...... Behind those smiles, behind those unfathomable eyes...... there was something in his mind that I could not reach out to. I realized that I was handicapped by the inability to read his mind. Sometimes, it was annoying. However, it made him more mysterious and more sexy.
It was impossible for me not to guess, what he had in his mind while those enchanting eyes were gazing my face with utmost sincerity. My guesses were too many. There was one that refused to disappear. So much so that I began identifying the sight of him with it. Its highly likely for that to be true. Imagination knows no logic.

When I saw him sitting so close to me, his face so close to me, I could hear the words, "Why don't you say you love me? ? ?"


Randy Orton!!!!!!!

Is there any guy in WWE who is sexier than orton????

hmmm....... Just couldn't resist........

What a pair?????


Its not often that you come across any reference to homosexuality on the front page in the newspaper. The shocker today was an SMS poll on gay marriage in Deccan Chronicle.

The SMS poll asks whether gay marriages should be legalised. I was pleasantly surprised to find a thumbnail picture of happy gay couple in a box on the top-left side of the front page. While the question made me smile , I couldn't help but find it ridiculous (hmmmm..... am I being too rude???). As the newspaper is for south indians, it obviously means "should gay marriage be made legal (in India)?" Its ridiculous because being gay is still a crime in India. Hmmmmm....... may be that was technically incorrect. According to section 377 of Indian Penal Code, the acts many homosexuals enjoy punishable crime. Imagine a hypothetical situation where gay marriages are legalized in India... Of course, the gay couples will be delighted and those who decide to get married may find themselves behind bars.
I think the question should have been, "should homosexuality be decriminalised in India?"

Yes, I do find the poll question ridiculous. I must accept that this is a bold attempt on part of the newspaper. I'm glad they even thought of this!
I'm curious to know how people respond.

Whatever be the result, its not going to the view of the people. The niche, that this newspaper caters to, do not represent the conservative Indian society. Also, this is an SMS poll, where only those who want to voice their views on this particular issue those who do not mind spending a rupee on SMS, participate. These two conditions bring down the number of the respondents to very few.

For, those of you, who wish to take part in this poll, type 'Y' for Yes or 'N' for No and send it to 7007 or email the same to


This is hilarious!

Too funny!
But, one also has to accept the fact that in the real world, many parents are not fully aware of homosexuality... Especially in India.
This clip exhibits this ignorance, but it doesn't make you feel bad! Thanks to the "Indian mother" and her comments like "COULDN'T U EVEN FIND A NICE INDIAN BOY"...


This is probably the most amazing video in youtube!


Here is something very hot. These guys are amazing!
Well, yeah it was funny. But, it was homoerotic nevertheless.


Hi there!
A college in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala has expelled a few of its students because they had shot a short film on homosexuality.

They are bachelors and masters students of St. Joseph college in Kottayam. The students had made this 5 minute short film called 'Secret Minds' for an intercollegiate film festival. The college authorities were apparently not impressed by the film that features some partially nude scenes. The students claim that these scenes were important for the script and that morality needs to take a back seat in film festivals where the creativity of artists is given more importance.

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The moral policing does not exist only in Gujarat. Its present in all places where there are narrow-minded conservative people are. The college authorities' act of expelling the student is condemnable. Such acts can only discourage students and stop them from exploring their talents in the confines of the so-called morality.

The issue of homosexuality is always viewed with contempt and artists who associate their work with such issues find themselves at the receiving end. This is not healthy. Definitely not for a country that claims to be the world's largest democracy.


"who are you?"

After a long time, I received a text message from him. He was one of the very few guys I was attracted to in my college. I never managed to tell him that I was interested in him. I was not prepared to lose his friendship. But eventually I did find myself separated from him. It was too hard to control myself... to stare into his eyes... to hold his hands... to stop my fingers from feeling his thighs... ... ... just being with him. I did not want anybody to suspect that I'm showing any special interest in him. More importantly, I didn't want him to know that. Because I was quite certain that he was not gay.

It read 'good morning'. Such messages usually remain not more than a few minutes in my inbox. But, this was special. I did not delete it. I scanned my inbox for a forwarded message that suggests 'I missed you'. Found something and sent it immediately.

He never replied but continued to send 'good morning' messages. I couldn't help but assume that he had been sending that to all his friends.

Today, I didn't receive any. I don't remember getting any message from his number even the previous day. I scanned my inbox again. This time for some message that is more neutral. Something just to let him know that I'm free.

Within minutes of sending the message, I got the reply. I was so happy seeing his name on my screen. The next moment, it disappeared. Anger, disappointment, and sorrow quickly replaced it.

The message read "Hello, who is this?"


Kamal on Kamal

Hey there! I saw a movie recently on TV. I thought should my thoughts about that movie with you...
The movie is Illamai unchaladugiradhu... a tamil movie starring Kamal hasan and rajinikanth. The movie is about 4 individuals whose love life gets entangled in some strange ways. The movie I should say was not very good. It was nothing but mediocre. What makes me write this is the performance of Kamal. He was spectacularly stylish in the movie. Except for him, it would have been 3 hour film of unbearable torture.
Kamal was just too handsome for the the female lead.
There were scenes that one would consider nothing more than ridiculous. Also, there were scenes that makes one wonder why did he(kamal) choose a film like this...
Whatever be the reason, it was interesting to see him in that 'ennadi meentchi' song...
the pants he was wearing was so sexy. He looked amazing from behind and sometimes, one could very easily make out his balls...
I just wonder if anybody had ever told him that before!!!


Some vids I enjoyed watching on you tube!



Hey guys!
There is this cool site called
If you've not heard of that, may be you should take a look at it. You'll find many guys there with varied interests... I'm sure, you'll find what you want in that site!!!

It does sound strange recommending a site so explicitly. But, I really enjoyed that site. It gives you the privacy you need at the same time interact with other guys.... Found it interesting!

Click here to visit


Hey guys!
There is this cool site called
If you've not heard of that, may be you should take a look at it. You'll find many guys there with varied interests... I'm sure, you'll find what you want in that site!!!

It does sound strange recommending a site so explicitly. But, I really enjoyed that site. It gives you the privacy you need at the same time interact with other guys.... Found it interesting!

Click here to visit


Some fun after all........

Im here after a long break. Why this break?? I lost interest in writing!

Now, I suppose I have regained that interest. What kindled that interest? It was a pleasant experience in the bus today.

I was late for classes today. As we didn’t have any important class I was in no hurry. I got to the bus stand at 11.00. I expected a free bus. And I did find one. But, there was no free seat. Disappointed, I stood near the entrance. As I needed to message someone I needed a place to lean on. I found a place opposite the conductor’s seat. The guy sitting there was young. I didn’t bother looking at his face. Within minutes after exchanging a few messages with a friend, I got the tickets. I was waiting for the driver to take the bus. It was while waiting that I realized the bus was quite different from others. It had larger seats, which meant there was less space for standing passengers. I realized that when I leaned on the seat, the guy sitting there looked at me. My gaydar did receive some signal but for some unknown reason ignored it. Now, I'm standing leaning on the seat just before him. No chance for any kind of body contact. I thought of moving back . But, before I could convince myself that its a good idea, someone stands there. I did not regret too much and assume that the guy might not like it after all.

As the bus started, the bus got a little crowded. I found it difficult to stand there as there was little space for those who are standing. It tried to lean as much as possible on the seat without touching anybody. I just didn't like it.

Then, after about 5 min, I found a young guy standing behind me. I noticed this when I was being pushed by the crowd onto him. I did nto see his face. Now, Im standing quite close to this guy. And, I felt the leg of the guy (who was sitting). I was busy thinking of the possibility of the two guys being gay when he (the one who is stting) asked the other guy if he wants to sit on his lap. Well, I didnt hear the exact words. But thats what he meant. The guy responded quickly by sitting on his lap.

Now, I had no idea if these guys no each other. If they were strangers, which is more likely since I heard him ask where he would get down before offering his lap. I decided to wait and watch. I had some problem standing comfortably because these guys were having their legs very close to where I was standing. But I like it. I liked the proximity. I think they liked the fact that I was hiding them from many others in the bus.

There was no big action most of the time. I was tempted to notice these guys quite frequently. And I did. One action was particularly suspicious. It was when the guy at the bottom had his hands over the lap of the other guy. I grew more suspicious when the guy on top also brought his hand down to that area. Unfortunately, I could not see what was going on there. But I was able to imagine.

As this went on, I had developed erection, stimulated by these guys, my imagination, and the crowd pushing me onto the seat Im leaning on.

At, Tnagar, the guy (top) got up and left. The guy at the bottom seemed disappointed. He brought his T shirt down as if to cover his crotch (with an erection). He had been looking at people around him in the bus. He probably felt that I was interested in what he was doing to the other guy. After a few minutes, he looked at me. I got to see him quite clearly. Especially because I wanted to see him. Try and register his face in my mind. (Unfortunately, my memory has proved to be very weak and I don't remember his face very clearly....)

He was young, dark, probably tall about 6ft, medium built... A nice looking guy. He had a nice face too.

As there was a lot of space near him, I moved a little closer to him. He looked at me a few times, mostly from the corner of his eyes. He probably realized that I am interested. He offered me a place on his lap. My response was "No Thanks". Not even with a smile.

I was surprised at my reply. It was the way my instinct responded and I had no control over it. I did not regret for long as I realized that it was not a good idea afterall. Accepting the offer might mean I would have to sit on his lap. Something thats not 'like me'. It will certainly attract attention of anybody who knows me if they were in that bus.

I could see disappointment in his face. It was quite apparent that he wanted to have some fun. Well, now I knew he was interested. He quickly offered to take my bag. It was not actually an offer. He just took it from between my legs (by the way I kept my bag down between my legs so that it does not disturb anyone in the bus).

He kept my bag on his lap and his hands were now close to my thighs. I did not move away from him. As the bus moved and jerked, his fingers came in contac with my crotch... my balls to be precise. Although I liked it, I tried not to thrust anything on him. I could feel that he positioned his hands in such a way that he would touch my crotch.

This happened only for a few minutes as my stop arrived and I had to go. I got my bag back and looked at his face one last time. But this time I smiled to let him know that I liked it too....


Man! It was great!!!!

Man! It was great!!!!

The week began with a wonderful experience in the bus. The Monday morning was always stressful. Today was no different. I got to the bus stand and found this bus waiting there. I got into the bus wasting no time. I could find no seat empty. I found these North-Indian guys (4 of them) sitting. One guy (the hottest among the four) had his hand across the neck of the guy sitting next to him. I was tempted to stand next to these guys but that would mean, I have to let his fingers touch my body. That would undoubtedly result in my cock getting erect and attracting attention from everyone around me in the bus. I cannot take that risk.

In a few minutes, I found myself looking at this young man. He was about 5’8’’ tall, dark and good-looking. He was wearing red color shirt and white/cream color pants. He was standing before me…. More to the side of ladies side of the bus. I thought he was there to for some girl. I got distracted by a not-so-attractive guy, who kept pushing his butts on me. I did not want to guess whether that was accidental or deliberate. I just wanted to get out of that situation. I turned around. Not completely though. I was facing the front of the bus with one hand holding the bar on top and the other holding the seat to my right.

I don’t remember what I was thinking when I felt some movement to my left. It was that guy (the good-looking one). He was standing closer to me. Without warning, my cock grew hard. It was something I have no control over. I did not try to hide it because unless someone takes pain to bend down to see, it wouldn’t be visible. In fact, that guy did just that. Well, not exactly though. He did look down and I followed his eyes to my crotch. That suggested that he was probably interested. Then, he kept his hand in the same seat which I was holding. He did not touch me but he kept held on to that part of the seat which was close to my body – my crotch to be precise. I did not want to jump to any conclusions and decided to wait. My hard on never subsided and I could see from the corner of my eyes that he was noticing it. He was actually moving his fingers all the more closer, as close as he could. I let myself go when the bus stopped. He felt my erection.

He did not move his hands and in fact moved it further to touch me again and again. I let go of my inhibitions and allowed him to feel it. He came closer to me. I could not let this go on as the movements of his hand were quite visible to many men sitting in the bus. I moved back to let him come more closer and give some space for him to touch me.

It started with some touches. Then, fondling, groping. Within minutes he realized that I liked it and he was feeling my cock without any shyness. I enjoyed it. But his bag was not very effective in hiding this. I did not want anybody watching me in such a situation. Worse still, his fingers found their way to the zipper. I quickly moved to let him know that I cannot take the risk of exposing in the bus. Fondling and groping continued for a few more minutes. Then he turned around and faced me. I liked this face to face position. In fact, I loved it. But, in that not-so-crowded bus, I was not able to derive all the pleasures of being so close face to face, chest to chest, crotch to crotch with a young good-looking guy who fits very well into the guy of my dreams. As the bus moved, he was rubbing his cock on me. Interestingly, I could not feel the outline of his cock. But I felt something hard. Couldn’t make out anything in that situation. He was actually making a humping motion. It was great.

Unfortunately, we had to break that contact and back to fondling and groping. I never touched his crotch. I do not know whether he did not want me to or is it that the situation just didn’t favour that. At T nagar, the north-indians got down and the seats were empty. I had to occupy it. I knew the bus would be emptier for some time and decided not to test my luck any further. This meant, I had to disappoint him. I thought he would at least come and stand next to me and let me feel his thighs and his cock. He did not. I looked outside and thought how great those few minutes felt. I looked back at the place and I did not find him. He probably got down.

How I wish I meet him again? How strongly I desire taking this out of the bus and into our life????????


Found on the net!!!

Found this on the world wide web.
Hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

Found on the net!!!

Found this on the world wide web.
Hope you enjoy this as much as I did.


my crush

I am going to describe the guy I have crush on.

He is about 5 ft 8 inches tall, fair and slim. He has a wonderful smile. I can’t say that his smile is his best asset because he is just too beautiful. He has a hairy body. I have seen him only fully dressed. So, can’t say what that fabric hides. I know that he is hairy because I could find a lot of hair at the upper chest that managed to spot one day. Actually, he is not too hairy. I suppose, there is just enough to get me arouse me.

Frankly, I don’t know much about him as a person. This is what I think of him. He is simple and does not have any attitude issues. He is quite confident and seems to like being optimistic. He looks calm composed and masculine. But while talking to him you can’t avoid noticing his gestures and tone that are feminine to some extent. Such feminine features is a turn off for me, but in this guy, it seems to accentuate his beauty. He is an exception. Or, is it because that’s what pulled me closer to him… the possibility of him being gay??????

For a few days, I felt the irresistible urge to be with him always. I thought he was also showing some interest. Actually, I thought I loved him but then realized that it was just a crush. One day, I spotted him with a guy. He was explicitly feminine. I was not very attractive. Although I did not like the intrusion, I sat with them and tried to talk. I noticed that this intruder could not get his eyes off of HIM. I was not jealous but I just did not like it. What bothered me was the fact that he did not pay me any attention but showed in interest in talking about a girl with that guy. Obviously, I didn’t like it. Then, I don’t feel the same about him. He does arouse me still. I think I don’t love him.


something nice after all............

Dude! It was great! After a boring week, I’ve got some memories to cherish for a few more days. It was what I experienced in the bus today.

It was not as perfect as a fantasy. But it was nice nevertheless.

As soon as I got into that bus, a guy got in. He was dark and handsome. He was wearing a cream color t shirt and carrying a blue bag. He also had a plastic cover in his hand. Although he did not look like a model, he was quite attractive. The bus was not crowded and I managed to stay away from him. He eventually came and stood next to me.

Within minutes, a guy got into the bus. He did not look decent. He was terribly unattractive. He stood before me with his hips too close to my crotch. Every now and then, he would rub his body on my crotch pretending that he was giving way to others. I didn’t like it. He then turned around and got his crotch so close to my hand. It was too much to handle. I turned around. He seemed to have got the message and he got out of the bus.

After turning around, I realized that a good-looking guy was standing next to me. To my left. He was fair and wore red t shirt with white stripes. He was standing closer to me but there was no contact. Within a few minutes, the bus took off and it got crowded. He came closer to me. I tried my best to keep my crotch away from him. You see, I don’t know whether this guy was gay or he is interested in anything hard between the thighs.

Gradually he came too close and his butts felt my crotch a few times. He probably felt my erection. He did not move away. But he was trying to feel it more often. When I was sure he liked it, I allowed him to feel my erection fully. He came even closer and felt my cock. It went on for sometime. Then, I realized that the other guy, the dark attractive guy was standing just behind me now. I felt his chest and thighs but not his crotch. He kept his hand there and I was not able to feel it. Not that I tried too hard. The bus was crowded and I had to let my butts touch him. It was nice anyways.

It was nice feeling his chest and have his face so close


nothing too exciting!

travelling in the buses can be less torturous if there were fewer disgusting old men with their revolting pot bellies trying to sqeeze you from all sides.
how cruel would it be if such a frat prevents a hunk from getting closer to you???
i saw this doctor. I didn't visit him. I just happened to see him. He was probably in his early 30s. Very handsome. Thats probably the only nice thing that happened today.



How deep is depression? thats probably what i was trying to measure today. Don't know why i ventured into this. may be checking out the profiles of so many guys excited me so much that i fell into this phase. afterall every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
Balance is always maintained.
Life is intriguing!!!!!!



oh such a boring day.........
i watched a movie on pix. its called No escape... escape from ..... something. i don't remember. its got tis wonderful plot. a group of men find themselves on this island, separated from the mainland, highly protected.... they are prisoners in facct. there is no woman there. atleast i cudn't see any.
its a perfect setting for a gay movie. to explore the bondage between young healthy men. but the movie is abt some boring stuff.
but the hero was sexy. in fact, the bad guy was too hot. he would be a great homosexual. pity, i don't know their names.
i had to masturbate looking at the hero trying to rescue his friend who by the way would have very easily been his lover. he after all kills himself for the hero.
its wasn't a very bad movie afterall. may be alittle more intimacy between guys and a little more of shower scenes or guys making out.. you know such things .... would have made it more enjoyable.


We the .........

In We the people, one of the famous talk shows in indian tv, the issue of sex-change was discussed. Barkha Dutt, the host was quite good in handling the sensitive issue.

What struck me was the fact that many none of the young men there got a chance to talk. It was either the panelists or the 3 guests who would talk.

The way one of the three guests - Tista - behaved was quite annoying. Her response was too dramatic.

A few actually cried. I don't know why? It appeared so silly on the screen.
Next time Ms. Dutt, make sure you invite people who respond to questions and not (over) react to them.